Goat's Milk vs Cow's Milk; The Healthy Alternative


According to food and allergy researchers, an estimated 15 million Americans today have food allergies and that number is on the rise. There are eight major food allergies known today and dairy is at the top of the list.  Though these researchers claim that cow's milk allergy usually begins in childhood and are eventually outgrown. Intolerances can begin later in life.

About 8 years ago I began having health issues that eventually led me to a path in exploring a food elimination diet. After a looooong 8 month process, I, one by one,slowly started to add these foods back into my diet only to discover they were the very problem. Dairy, second on my list of no-no's.
I do love a good cheese so recently I began exploring goat milk cheese. I tolerate it very well and then I questioned WHY? So, I researched and researched and ate more goat cheese. Here is what I found.

Goats are herbivores so they are naturally drawn to nutritious plants.They like to browse like deer. There bodies are meant to eat fruits and vegetables and are naturally alkaline. Their diets contain a variety of weeds, bushes, leaves, tree bark along with various grasses and hay (containing alfalfa, timothy or bermuda).  Goats naturally can't handle grains. Their body will become acidic which in return causes acidosis. They can experience pain, bloating, constipation and can even die. 
Goats have 4 stomach compartments and are designed to ferment their own food, then their bodies digest the nutrition from the fermented food.

                                                                    Photo courtesy of Saxony Farms

Goats milk is less allergenic, naturally homogenized, it is easier to digest, contains 10% less lactose rarely causing lactose intolerance, 89% lower in casein and resembles human breast milk.
Goats milk is high in minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Copper and Zinc. Higher in essential fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic and Vitamins A, C, D, E, B-6 and Niacin.
Goats milk does not contain agglutinin that is found in cow's milk, which is a compound that separates the the cream from the skin milk. This allows the goats milk to stay in tack and naturally homogenized, where cow's milk has to go through a harsh process which in return destroys fat globule walls which releases a free radical called Xanthine Oxidase. Free radicals can cause an array of problems that often lead to cancer.

A conventional cow's diet can be fed a base of grain (including corn) and soy. Both on the list of 8 common allergies. Cows can be given hormones for them to grow faster and antibiotics to survive their unsanitary living conditions. Grass fed and grass finished cows are however extremely healthier still contain both casein and lactose.

 Casein is a protein found in cow's milk and some can experience difficulty in digesting. Casein can contribute to gastrointestinal issues such as I.B.S, Crohn's, Leaky Gut and Colitis. Lesser problems are related to acne, autoimmune diseases and eczema. However, if you know someone with an autoimmune disease, they will beg to differ on the statement "lesser problem".
 Lactose is a milk sugar found in cow's milk. Lactose intolerance is a carbohydrate sensitivity and is a deficiency of an enzyme called lactase which helps aide in digesting the lactose.  People with lactose intolerance experience gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, nausea and diarrhea. Allergies can range from hives, wheezing and vomiting, loose stools, runny nose, and colic in babies. A serve allergy would be Anaphylaxis and would require immediate medical attention. 
Cows milk does not contain potassium, an important mineral needed for proper enhancement of muscle strength , metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and the nervous system and should always come from our food.

I really enjoyed researching this subject. I was enlightened and learned a great deal about goats. Though, I am certainly not going to over indulge in cheese. I am certainly glad I found something more nutritious, easy to digest and tastes great. I recommend you giving it a try and see how you do.

Check out our friends at Saxonyfarms.com they have a wonderful selection of goats milk soap!!

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