Double Chocolate Dreambites
Double Chocolate Dreambites Recipe created by Chere Tomlin and Andrea Miller Adapted from: 3 ingredient Peanut Butter cookie from Prep time: about 10 mins Cook time: 8 mins Serving: about 13 cookies So the story goes......Once upon a time in cookie land! Just kidding, well kind of :) I have been making the original 3 ingredient Peanut Butter cookie for years and replacing the refined sugar with coconut sugar as healthy alternative. I tried a few times to replace the peanut butter with almond butter to make it Paleo friendly since that is the lifestyle we live. I NEVER could get them to come out right. One day I made them and posted on my IG page and mentioned I was not a fan of peanut butter. Not only because it's not paleo, I'm just not a fan of the taste, never have been, but for an occasional treat, they were doable and my husband happens to like peanut butter so ok. Andrea from Paleogenics asked a...